Timetable for liver transplant outpatients: 8am every Tuesday & Thursday, for blood samples; transplant specialists admitting time: every Wednesday & Friday afternoon.
Internal view of the new surgical ward
Supplemental liver transplant
Expense decreased-les......
No blood transfusion ......
Zhang TongLin
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The lowest expense record, RMB 146,000 Yuan! And 18 in-hospital days

he high expense has long been the obstacle that prevents the the wide spread of liver transplant. Especially in our country that liver transplant has not been covered by system of socialized medicine. Therefore, besides improvement of operation result, how to decrease the expense of liver transplant has always been another goal of our center. By perfecting operation technique, making individual treatment protocol for each patient, decreasing unnecessary exams, we finally decreased the expense as expected. Just after a patient checked out on March 2003, with expense of 156,000 Yuan, on February 2004, another patient checked out uneventfully with the new lowest expense record of 146,000 Yuan, and the in-hospital duration was only 18 days.

Address: No.49, Road north garden, District Haidian, Beijing, 100083 Tel: 010-62017691 ext 7321 010-62010334 Fax: 010-62010334
EMAIL:wcmwy@163.com Copyright(C)2005Peking University Third Hospital All Rights Reserved