Timetable for liver transplant outpatients: 8am every Tuesday & Thursday, for blood samples; transplant specialists admitting time: every Wednesday & Friday afternoon.
Internal view of the new surgical ward
Supplemental liver transplant
Expense decreased-les......
No blood transfusion ......
Zhang TongLin
Tenet of the liver transplant club
Members of the club
Activities arrangement
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  Supplemental liver transplant means the in situ or hereabout transplant of the liver graft (usually part of the liver), preserve the whole or part of the native liver at the same time. Its excellence is that the patient need no rely on the graft liver completely, in case of the graft failure, the patient has the second chance to get a second transplant.
·Indication and time of liver transplant    
·Treatment of acute rejection   
·treatment of recurrent hepatitis B
·Liver transplant for HCC
·Treatment of hepatitis
·Survival of liver recipients 
·Artificial liver and liver transplantation.
·Follow-up of liver transplant patients

·Osteopathia post-organ transplant

·Management of internal disease
·acute rejection and immunosuppressant
Address: No.49, Road north garden, District Haidian, Beijing, 100083 Tel: 010-62017691 ext 7321 010-62010334 Fax: 010-62010334
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